The next day I didn't want to go to school. But my mom didn't believe me when I said that I had a cold. I fake coughed a little, but even that didn't work. So here I am.. at school.. by myself.. hiding in a corner. Everybody that walks past me stares at me, like I'm a monster. I try not to care about what they think about me. But it's really hard when everybody knows what I've done. Instead of thinking about that I put in my earphones and listen to music loudly. Suddenly I get a text message. My hands start to shake while I open it slowly. It says "Kill yourself". It's really hard not to start crying, I know it's just going to get worse if I do. I have to be strong.
When school's done I walk as fast as I can, because I really can't handle this anymore. I'm just about done. Suddenly someone grabs my arm. My heart stops and I think about all the persons it can be. When I turn around I sigh.
"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry Rachel?"
"I'm sorry." She says while looking away in shame.
I wait a second to long and she runs out of the hallway like I've never seen her do before. It's first now I begin to really think about what she said. I'm sorry? What is she sorry about? I have to find out.
Later that day I call up Rachel. We used to call each other every day before and I ruined all of it by going out with a total jerk.
"Hey, I didn't understand what you meant at school earlier today. What exactly are you sorry about?"
"Listen, I can't say to much. But I think I may know who is sending you those texts. You don't understand how sorry I am. I really didn't have anything to do with it, I promise! Please don't tell!"
Who can it be, and how does Rachel know who it is?
Before I can say anything more she hangs up. Again. At least she is talking to me again. She sounded kind of frightened, I hope she's okay.
I stay home from school the next couple of days. It was pretty hard to convince my mom. After a while I guess she just felt sorry for me and let me stay home. Not much happened the next three or four days, I just stayed at home trying to calm myself. Everyday the texts come and I don't know what to do. I have to go to school and talk to Rachel and become friends with her again. Every night I go to bed crying myself asleep.
On my way to school I try to stay positive and think about all the good things in life. It works a little, not much though. When I look up i see a purple jacket further ahead by our school. Rachel! That has to be her and suddenly I become a little happier.
She turns around quickly.
I get confused, aren't we talking again or what?
"I can't get seen with you, she'll kill me."she says quietly.
"Who?!" I almost shout.
"Be quiet!" She comes closer and whispers in my ear "Sarah."
I'm in shock, did I hear right? Sarah is a really good friend to Rachel and me. I've always trusted her and never thought she would do anything mean to anyone.
I walk away, I don't even think about it. I just want to get out of here. Away from the world, to a place without evilness and fake friends. I take up my phone and take up the texts with all the threats. I'm not afraid anymore because I have nothing to lose. I type "I know who you are, I won't tell anyone. But if you send me or anyone else one more text I'll call the police." I didn't even hesitate when i pressed SEND. I'm tired of a life of being afraid...
Two months later I have my friend Rachel to trust as always and we're happier than ever. Sometimes it feels like you just can't handle anymore but when you least expect it everything can just turn and you realize that you're stronger than you think. Never give up.